
It's damn cold here. DAMN COLD!! I've got sweaters on top of sweaters, wrapped in my comforter, the heat cranked . . . and I can't get warm. It's that damp cold that gets right in and settles on my bones too. Blah! I'm a little stressed. I think I'm nervous about going to Fredericton... Continue Reading →

A Good Idea

The city of Fredericton is installing video surveillance cameras in the downtown core. I think this is an excellent idea. I think it might deter people and if not it should help with catching and charging them. I don't see it as an invasion of privacy. If you're out on a public street, you have... Continue Reading →

The Best Things In Life Are Free . . .

. . . But you can give them to the birds and bees. I want money. That's what I want.My dreams were filled with expensive things last night. Yet necessary things. My dreams were filled with the agony of worrying about where I would get the money to pay for these things. It was one... Continue Reading →

Legally Married

It's official. Same-sex couples can be legally married in New Brunswick as of today. Read the story here. I've heard a lot of good stuff about this Unitarian Fellowship in Fredericton. I was surprised and delighted to see Joanne Elder's name associated with it. If I lived in Fredericton I would definitely check out a... Continue Reading →

Trailer Park Dudes

Sunday night anxiety is dogging me already and it's only 10:30 . . . and the neighbor dudes are shooting off fireworks, which DOES NOT help . . . I made a list of all the stuff I need and want to accomplish this week and it wouldn't fit on a single page, I had... Continue Reading →

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