Top 5 Books for Christmas 2017

You know how Amazon suggests things you might be interested in purchasing based on your past shopping habits? Today, I took a few minutes to check out some books they thought I'd like, and from there I discovered some other books that I think I might like, and then I narrowed that monster list down... Continue Reading →

Law of Attraction: Use Your Imagination for Good

Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want. --- Abraham Lately my morning routine consists of coffee, cereal, fruit and listening to Abraham. If you're unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, Esther Hicks, and Abraham then I highly recommend you read one of their books or listen to some of their recordings.... Continue Reading →

5 Inspiring YouTubers

When I got a new television last year I started watching a lot more on YouTube and subscribing to channels that I really liked. Before that I just thought of YouTube as a place where I could find music videos (sometimes with lyrics) and clips from tv shows that I hadn't seen but had heard... Continue Reading →

Weekly Weigh-In #1

When I'm not eating as well as I feel I should be, I don't weigh in, but the fact of the matter is that when I was weighing in more frequently I was losing more weight. So in an effort to hold myself more accountable, I'm once again going to follow a regular weigh-in routine.... Continue Reading →

Sunday Night Rampage or I Feel Like a Dog Playing in the Mud

I'm so excited to start a new week! I love that I have my week planned out in my day planner and I know exactly what I need to do, exactly what I want to do every day this week. I'm so excited to be this super organised because I know this week is going... Continue Reading →

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