Lifestyle Journey – Getting Back on Track

Halloween happened on a Saturday this year. It was a full moon night, the second full moon in the month of October, otherwise known as a blue moon. On Friday I was expecting some good news and I was planning a little celebratory outing on Saturday, maybe to a new restaurant in town, maybe involving... Continue Reading →

Lifestyle Journey – Pantry Staples

The fresh foods in my kitchen tend to change, depending on the season, and need to be replenished on a regular basis because they are perishable and we're eating them every day. But there are some staples that I keep on hand in my pantry all the time. If you're thinking of trying a Whole... Continue Reading →

Lifestyle Journey – WFPB SOS-Free

In Week 3 of my journey I decided to drop Bright Line Eating (BLE) and transition into a way of eating that I'd done before and really enjoyed. It wasn't that BLE wasn't working for me, I had lost 13.6 pounds in two weeks. It is a great fast way to lose weight and never... Continue Reading →

Getting Ready to be Ready

For the past month I've been making some subtle changes in my life. Abraham would say I've been getting ready to be ready. What does this look like? For me, it's about getting up early enough to have a couple of hours "ME" time before work. It's about simple habits like making my bed... Continue Reading →


On January 30th I celebrated one full year of eating a plant-based diet and about six months of being vegan. I say that because in the beginning it was just about weight loss and health for me, I hadn't made the connection to the animals. I wasn't consciously buying specific shampoos and conditioners because they... Continue Reading →

Another Challenge

Yesterday I started another Fitbit Workweek Challenge with my sister and for the first time in ages I reached my 10,000 step daily goal. Woo hoo! I am determined to give her a good run for the trophy this week, which will be the first time in a long time that I will have seriously... Continue Reading →

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