Learning to Meditate

For many years now I have wanted to add daily meditation to my lifestyle. The benefits of meditating are well documented. Decreased stress, improved concentration, lower blood pressure, and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, just to name a few. A lot of the people I follow and admire are always talking about how beneficial... Continue Reading →

Law of Attraction: Use Your Imagination for Good

Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want. --- Abraham Lately my morning routine consists of coffee, cereal, fruit and listening to Abraham. If you're unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, Esther Hicks, and Abraham then I highly recommend you read one of their books or listen to some of their recordings.... Continue Reading →

5 Inspiring YouTubers

When I got a new television last year I started watching a lot more on YouTube and subscribing to channels that I really liked. Before that I just thought of YouTube as a place where I could find music videos (sometimes with lyrics) and clips from tv shows that I hadn't seen but had heard... Continue Reading →

Sunday Night Rampage or I Feel Like a Dog Playing in the Mud

I'm so excited to start a new week! I love that I have my week planned out in my day planner and I know exactly what I need to do, exactly what I want to do every day this week. I'm so excited to be this super organised because I know this week is going... Continue Reading →

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