
I have been in such a state this past year and a half because I have been wanting some kind of message or sign that Jay is around me and there's been nothing. I expected more because our connection when he was alive was so strong. A couple of years ago one morning I was... Continue Reading →

Three Men

Nearly two decades ago, a psychic told me that I would have three more serious relationships in my life. He gave me some physical attributes, three zodiac signs, different information. It took forever for any of it to start coming true because I was really hurt and swore off relationships and men for a long... Continue Reading →

Setting Intentions for 2018

Happy New Year! It's a brand spanking new year and I couldn't be any more excited! I'm one of those people who loves a blank page, a new chapter, a fresh beginning, so the new year is always a pretty important time for me, even if I come into it on the down-low from a... Continue Reading →

Still Living! 2017 Year in Review

Eleven days ago I went to the hospital for a gallbladder removal procedure. I arrived for 7 am. I arrived early so the doors weren't even unlocked yet on the second floor where I would have my operation. Not being able to eat anything much for over a month had taken a toll on me.... Continue Reading →

Sunday Night Rampage or I Feel Like a Dog Playing in the Mud

I'm so excited to start a new week! I love that I have my week planned out in my day planner and I know exactly what I need to do, exactly what I want to do every day this week. I'm so excited to be this super organised because I know this week is going... Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to My Niece on the Milestone of High School Graduation

Dear Paulina, Congratulations! You did it! I'm so proud of you and all your accomplishments! I know that even though you are one of the smartest people I know, it hasn't always been easy to navigate the sometimes muddy waters of high school. I know there were times you were overwhelmed and stressed, times when... Continue Reading →

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