2018 NB Spring Festival Scene! Where Should I Go?

This year I want to go to festivals! Last year I finally got to attend the Larlee Creek Hullabaloo in Perth Andover and if you know me at all or if you have been following me online since last summer you will know that it was just an epic experience! So much so that this... Continue Reading →

Must Watch Netflix: “Hacksaw Ridge”

Usually we're all about the television series and documentaries but lately we've been watching more films on Netflix. And it seems like every movie I pick out is based on a true story. There are a lot of great memoirs and biographies, but nothing prepared me for Hacksaw Ridge. I suppose there was likely a... Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to My Niece on the Milestone of High School Graduation

Dear Paulina, Congratulations! You did it! I'm so proud of you and all your accomplishments! I know that even though you are one of the smartest people I know, it hasn't always been easy to navigate the sometimes muddy waters of high school. I know there were times you were overwhelmed and stressed, times when... Continue Reading →

Just Another Snowy Monday

I had a bit of a lazy weekend. I just didn't feel good, very achy and stiff, stomach cramps, and headache. I just wanted my warm fuzzy blanket and comfort food. So Saturday I made some mashed potatoes, hamburger and onions with gravy, and canned peas and carrots. For the burger I sauteed some onions... Continue Reading →

Movie Scenes that Make You Cry

Continuing on yesterday's theme of Movies that will Make You Cry, I published another article on Helium called Movie Scenes that Make You Cry. The first thing you'll notice is that it's like a brand new list! I don't think I mention any of the movies from the original list. Well, I guess I did... Continue Reading →

Movies that Will Make you Cry

Click here to read my article on the Helium website. It was really hard to keep my list brief ... so many movies make me cry! If I expanded the list I'd have to include Mama Mia, Sex and the City, Elizabethtown, Life is Beautiful, Schindler's List, and Titanic to name a few off the... Continue Reading →

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