Lifestyle Journey – Pantry Staples

The fresh foods in my kitchen tend to change, depending on the season, and need to be replenished on a regular basis because they are perishable and we're eating them every day. But there are some staples that I keep on hand in my pantry all the time. If you're thinking of trying a Whole... Continue Reading →

Build a Bowl: His & Hers Dinner

I continue to see people in my Facebook groups struggling with what to eat as they transition to a plant based or vegan lifestyle. People who admittedly have never been into cooking are now looking for easy recipes so they can do this. And I'm still baffled by this because I have never cooked any... Continue Reading →

What I Eat in a Not So Typical Day #2

The weather has been more humid these past few weeks. And I've been away from home a lot for events and things. So my household has been kind of falling apart, with shopping left on the floor in bags for days before being put away. Laundry piling up. Eating out more often. Any meals prepared... Continue Reading →

5 Inspiring YouTubers

When I got a new television last year I started watching a lot more on YouTube and subscribing to channels that I really liked. Before that I just thought of YouTube as a place where I could find music videos (sometimes with lyrics) and clips from tv shows that I hadn't seen but had heard... Continue Reading →

Build a Bowl: Breakfast

Today I weighed in and I'm down 3.3 pounds from last week. This was a surprise because last week was humid and even though I was in a Fitbit Workweek Challenge with my sister it was too hot to move. All week I pretty much sat as still as possible in a pool of my... Continue Reading →

Angry Gall Bladder: My Fatty Relapse

After months of following a whole food plant based diet that was low fat, low sodium and almost gluten free, the pressures of life started chipping away at my resolve and I started to fall into some junk food vegan habits. Buying one tub of Ben & Jerry's Non-Dairy ice cream to try as a... Continue Reading →

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