Getting Ready to be Ready

For the past month I've been making some subtle changes in my life. Abraham would say I've been getting ready to be ready. What does this look like? For me, it's about getting up early enough to have a couple of hours "ME" time before work. It's about simple habits like making my bed... Continue Reading →

50 Things

One of the first steps in setting your intentions or goals for the future is to just do a brain dump by listing 50 things you want ... if money were no object, if anything was within your reach ... how would you spend your time? Where would you be? What would you being doing?... Continue Reading →

Welcome 2019!

I brought this New Year in all by myself. Just me and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon in front of the CBC live stream from Charlottetown. It was the type of New Year's Eve that was a decade in the making. On my terms, in my space, focused only on myself. I intended to bring... Continue Reading →

Sunday Night Rampage or I Feel Like a Dog Playing in the Mud

I'm so excited to start a new week! I love that I have my week planned out in my day planner and I know exactly what I need to do, exactly what I want to do every day this week. I'm so excited to be this super organised because I know this week is going... Continue Reading →

Changing Momentum

Last week's challenge started off brilliantly. I literally had the best day of my life on Monday. I'm not kidding. It was the best day ever! I felt so happy, so high on adrenaline, so enthusiastic and full of life, and best of all ... so damn productive! I had a full list and I... Continue Reading →

Day 2: I'm an Excellent Driver

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. I slept only 4.5 hours but got out of bed at 5 am and hit the ground running. I accomplished every single task on my list. I had so much time to do everything I wanted and even more. It was the most amazing thing!... Continue Reading →

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