No Unrequited Love Poem

I hope you know how much I loved you. It feels like part of you might, if you could believe, if you could only trust me. I know I didn't say it nearly enough, but this ain't no unrequited love poem. I loved you! I really did! We didn't have a lot of time together,... Continue Reading →

Three Men

Nearly two decades ago, a psychic told me that I would have three more serious relationships in my life. He gave me some physical attributes, three zodiac signs, different information. It took forever for any of it to start coming true because I was really hurt and swore off relationships and men for a long... Continue Reading →

The Natural World

I grew up in the woods. There's really no other way to say it. Growing up I couldn't see any neighbours houses, just trees. As a little girl my days were spent outside in the trees playing house. I pretended the stand of trees between my house and the lower driveway, which went out to... Continue Reading →

New on Netflix: Can’t Cope, Won’t Cope

Over the weekend I noticed this new television series on Netflix called "Can't Cope, Won't Cope." Yes, it's not the greatest as titles go, but I was intrigued enough by the photographs to at least hover over it and find out what it was all about. At the time I was looking for something light... Continue Reading →

Setting Intentions for 2018

Happy New Year! It's a brand spanking new year and I couldn't be any more excited! I'm one of those people who loves a blank page, a new chapter, a fresh beginning, so the new year is always a pretty important time for me, even if I come into it on the down-low from a... Continue Reading →

Still Living! 2017 Year in Review

Eleven days ago I went to the hospital for a gallbladder removal procedure. I arrived for 7 am. I arrived early so the doors weren't even unlocked yet on the second floor where I would have my operation. Not being able to eat anything much for over a month had taken a toll on me.... Continue Reading →

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