Day 2

Normally I like to blog in the morning, but this morning I wasn't at home when I woke up. I had gone to my parents for a little New Year visit and to make pizzas with my mom. Mmmmmm, pizza! I came home around lunchtime when the snow was just starting to kick off. Luckily... Continue Reading →

Day 1

I have been off work all week, which was a break I really needed. I spent the first bit visiting with my parents and then I came home to my apartment maybe earlier than anyone expected but I needed a few days just to be on my own, alone. I know it's bizarre to have... Continue Reading →

50 Things

One of the first steps in setting your intentions or goals for the future is to just do a brain dump by listing 50 things you want ... if money were no object, if anything was within your reach ... how would you spend your time? Where would you be? What would you being doing?... Continue Reading →

Another Challenge

Yesterday I started another Fitbit Workweek Challenge with my sister and for the first time in ages I reached my 10,000 step daily goal. Woo hoo! I am determined to give her a good run for the trophy this week, which will be the first time in a long time that I will have seriously... Continue Reading →

Law of Attraction: Use Your Imagination for Good

Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want. --- Abraham Lately my morning routine consists of coffee, cereal, fruit and listening to Abraham. If you're unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, Esther Hicks, and Abraham then I highly recommend you read one of their books or listen to some of their recordings.... Continue Reading →

Sunday Night Rampage or I Feel Like a Dog Playing in the Mud

I'm so excited to start a new week! I love that I have my week planned out in my day planner and I know exactly what I need to do, exactly what I want to do every day this week. I'm so excited to be this super organised because I know this week is going... Continue Reading →

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