Prompt: Mirror, Mirror

“When I look in the mirror, I . . .” . . . can't believe the woman I've become. Where have the years gone? When did those little crow's feet form in the corners of my eyes? When did I become so shapeless? Who am I now? When you're young older people tell you to... Continue Reading →

Writing Prompts #1

I have decided that I'm going to not just write more in 2018, but write more creative types of things. So in that spirit I want to try a new weekly exercise using Writing Prompts. Just Google "Writing Prompts" and you can find all kinds of things to get you started. The prompt is in... Continue Reading →

Just Another Snowy Monday

I had a bit of a lazy weekend. I just didn't feel good, very achy and stiff, stomach cramps, and headache. I just wanted my warm fuzzy blanket and comfort food. So Saturday I made some mashed potatoes, hamburger and onions with gravy, and canned peas and carrots. For the burger I sauteed some onions... Continue Reading →

2015 Goals Exercise

On Tuesday it was goal setting day at my work but I didn't go because I was just too wiped out from the travel storm stuck fiasco to get my head on straight enough to attend. Even though I didn't go I wanted to do the exercise so I did it on my own at... Continue Reading →

The 7 am Project

I have moved. I'm in the very same building that I lived in back in 2009 before life took a sudden sharp turn. It's a different apartment, laid out the exact opposite of the last one. So it's like being in a new place and coming home all at the same time. I became a... Continue Reading →

750 Words

Well it's been quite awhile since I've updated. Where have I been? What have I been doing? And what brings me back to the blogosphere on this sunshiny morning? If I have any readers left, I'm sure you're dying to know. I guess the big news is that I got married. Yep! For real! I... Continue Reading →

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