Day 1

I have been off work all week, which was a break I really needed. I spent the first bit visiting with my parents and then I came home to my apartment maybe earlier than anyone expected but I needed a few days just to be on my own, alone. I know it's bizarre to have... Continue Reading →


I have been in such a state this past year and a half because I have been wanting some kind of message or sign that Jay is around me and there's been nothing. I expected more because our connection when he was alive was so strong. A couple of years ago one morning I was... Continue Reading →

To sleep, perchance to dream

I wear a Fitbit every day, whether I am sitting still or pushing myself to be active. I feel like it's important to track things in order to discern behaviour patterns, fix problems, and celebrate successes. My Fitbit tracks more than just my steps, it also tracks my heart rate and my sleep patterns. The... Continue Reading →


Sometimes I feel like I don’t really exist. You know how sometimes you have a thought and it just seems like a normal random thought until you say it out loud and then it’s like wow! That’s deep! Sometimes I feel like I don’t really exist. I spend the majority of my time alone. Just... Continue Reading →

50 Things

One of the first steps in setting your intentions or goals for the future is to just do a brain dump by listing 50 things you want ... if money were no object, if anything was within your reach ... how would you spend your time? Where would you be? What would you being doing?... Continue Reading →

Setting Intentions for 2018

Happy New Year! It's a brand spanking new year and I couldn't be any more excited! I'm one of those people who loves a blank page, a new chapter, a fresh beginning, so the new year is always a pretty important time for me, even if I come into it on the down-low from a... Continue Reading →

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