Day 3

It's a beautiful morning! Yes, it's overcast but the river is a gorgeous mosaic of pure white snow, silver ice and black open water. It looks like a finger painting on a giant canvas. The clouds are shades of grey broken by slivers of brilliant light and moving quickly upriver. The smoke from the hospital's... Continue Reading →

Day 2

Normally I like to blog in the morning, but this morning I wasn't at home when I woke up. I had gone to my parents for a little New Year visit and to make pizzas with my mom. Mmmmmm, pizza! I came home around lunchtime when the snow was just starting to kick off. Luckily... Continue Reading →

Day 1

I have been off work all week, which was a break I really needed. I spent the first bit visiting with my parents and then I came home to my apartment maybe earlier than anyone expected but I needed a few days just to be on my own, alone. I know it's bizarre to have... Continue Reading →

Goodbye 2020 … almost

My new Inspira Wellness Planner for 2021 arrived this week and it's almost too beautiful to use! I'm not even kidding. Shortly after I heard a bit of a thump in the foyer outside my apartment I got a notification from the Shop app (fabulous app!) saying my package had been delivered. I opened the... Continue Reading →

The More You Do

I have a motto that is not only an absolute truth in my life, but also has the power to push me into action when I'm procrastinating. Yes, I am a procrastinator from way back. I have analysed it throughout the years and I know it actually stems from an overwhelming need for perfectionism. Better... Continue Reading →

Lifestyle Journey-Intermittent Fasting

A lot of people practice intermittent fasting to help regulate their blood sugar levels and lose weight or maintain weight loss. I personally know a few people who intermittent fast daily, and I have tried it in the past but wasn't able to find a way that worked for me so I gave it up.... Continue Reading →

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